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What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to secure credit card transactions, logins, and the transmission of data. SSL Certificates bind a domain name, server name/hostname, an organizational identity (a company) and location. Basically, SSL Certificates are used to secure credit card transactions, logins, and data transfers.

Need an SSL Certificate for your website? Contact your Account Manager or email!

Why is SSL so Important?

There are a number of reasons why SSL is vital, not only to your website but more importantly to your business. These are just a few of those reasons...

SSL Protects Your Data

Working with sensitive data such as IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, and more, SSL helps protect against those looking to exploit and steal this data. SSL turn this data into an undecipherable format via encryption with SSL Certificates.

Better Search Engine Ranking

Google updated its algorithm back in 2014 to give a boost to HTTPS-enabled websites. HTTPS can only be achieved through the use of an SSL Certificate. Studies have shown that Google is now favoring sites that have been secured with SSL. If Google Search Ranking is important for your business (hint: it is), an SSL Certificate helps a lot here.

Customer Trust

An SSL Certificate is vital in gaining the trust of your customers. Why? The use of an SSL Certificate (and the associated "https" URL and "lock" icon) demonstrates their data will be safe. These customers are much more likely to revisit and trust your business.

Google Flags "Non Secure" Websites

In 2018 Google took the huge step of flagging sites as "Not Secure" in the URL bar, in front of their URL, that are not using an SSL Certificate. It is entirely possible (and perhaps likely) that at some point in the future, website are blocked that are not deemed safe in this way.

LIFTOFF Can Help You with SSL

Need an SSL Certificate for your website? Contact your Account Manager or email!